Greenwood Management ApS is a Danish registered company. CVR number 31629373

Forestry Investment News
Prices for pulp logs and woodchip dropped in the second quarter of the year, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly report. [more]
Costa Rica has signed an agreement to sell carbon credits in the first large-scale deal of its kind designed to protect and regenerate its forests. [more]
A Brazilian rainforest reserve has increased in size by an extra 237 acres to expand the protection offered to hundreds of rare species that live there. [more]
There are concerns that more needs to be done to protect Brazil’s forests from illegal loggers, which sell timber up to 40 per cent cheaper than the legal trade is able to. [more]
A project to improve Brazil’s wood flooring industry and ensure more sustainable use of its resources, is bearing fruit two years after it started. [more]
Animals living in fragments of the rainforest are at greater risk of extinction that previously thought, according to a major report by academics. [more]
A rally against the Forest Investment Plan (FIP) meeting held this week has been staged by civil society organisations who are against the activities discussed at the meeting. [more]
The 'Zero Deforestation Law' has been extended by the Paraguayan Government for a further five years. [more]
One of the main human rights bodies in the world has urged Brazil's Government to provide answers about the plight of a tribe of people who are being driven towards extinction as a result of deforestation. [more]
The growth of soybeans in Brazil continues to have a vast impact on the deforestation of the Amazon, despite easing following the moratorium imposed in 2006. [more]
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