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Forestry Investment News

Human rights body demands answers regarding Brazilian forests

One of the main human rights bodies in the world has urged Brazil's Government to provide answers about the plight of a tribe of people who are being driven towards extinction as a result of deforestation.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), has called upon the country's government to offer up comprehensive answers regarding the Awá, Earth’s most threatened tribe. Their survival is under threat as a result of Brazil's failure to protect its forests, the body has said.

A petition was sent to the IACHR by Survival International and Brazilian NGO CIMI in May of this year, and since then, the IACHR has been putting the pressure on Brazil to outline any measures it is taking to protect the future of the tribe.

The remaining members of the Awá are living in a dwindling forest which is being destroyed by illegal deforestation and logging practices.

Survival International reported that one Awá man said in an appeal to Brazil’s Minister of Justice: "I am angry, very angry… The loggers come here and chop down the trees … The Minister of Justice in Brasília can help us here, now. He must help us now!”

The Awá are finding it increasingly difficult to feed their families as a result of the forest being destroyed so quickly by logging, and their existence as one of the last nomadic tribes of the Amazon rainforest is under threat.

More than 53,000 people located across the globe have written to Brazil’s Minister of Justice begging him to save the Awá, since Hollywood icon Colin Firth launched Survival’s campaign in April of 2012.

It is expected that the IACHR will make a final decision on the Awá case later this month.