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Forestry Investment News

Zero Deforestation Law extended to 2018 by Paraguay

The 'Zero Deforestation Law' has been extended by the Paraguayan Government for a further five years.
Also known as the 'Land Conversion Moratorium for the Atlantic Forest of Paraguay', the law is a giant step forward in terms of the conservation efforts in this highly threatened eco-region.

The law was first rolled out in 2004 and resulted in a major slowing of the country’s deforestation rate of up to 90 per cent, as it prevented transformation and conversion of forested areas located in the country’s eastern region.

One of the major areas most in need of protection is the Atlantic Forest, which is located in Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina and remains one of the most endangered tropical rainforests in the world.

The forest has a tiny seven per cent of its original surface coverage remaining as a result of land clearing, illegal logging operations and forest fires. However, the area is still home to almost seven per cent of the world’s plant and animal species, many of which are now under threat as a result of the lack of forest coverage.

Lucy Aquino, director of WWF Paraguay, told the WWF website: “Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation through sustainable forest management (REDD+) in Paraguay is imperative not only to maintain one of the most threatened biomes on Earth, but also to reduce emissions and to preserve the livelihoods of forest-dependent communities, including many indigenous groups.”

The Zero Deforestation Law, which was set to expire in December this year, will now be extended as a result of Paraguay fulfilling its commitments made in support of WWF’s Zero Net Deforestation by 2020 goal.